
Just experienced a huge burst of frustration re my book goals. I’m behind in editing book 1. Not inspired re book 2. Behind on blog posts. Book 66*, my Nanowrimo project that’s been so exciting, seems to be dragging as well. I keep fussing over the same scenes instead of generating more ideas.

I’m also behind on my blogging goals. I did post something (here: )It was imperfect. I might edit it, but I’m glad I posted anyway. Perfectionism is what kept me from blogging last year.

I’m posting this too. It isn’t beautiful but it can be done without a computer.

For book 2 inspiration, I’m going to look to Pinterest. There are some charts. My Pinterest writing tips board is public and available here:

Any encouragement for me? Do you need any encouragement right now?

*Edited because I updated my file numbering system

2 thoughts on “Imperfection

  1. scoodle32 says:

    I am writing a novella that is at a complete standstill because I got bored with it. I mean, I’ve written shorts in the meantime, but I really want to have the follow through to finish something longer. I think I’m too worried about it being good.

    Keep going, friend. You can do it.


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